寿立冰先生毕业于同济大学建筑城规学院,系中国国家一级注册建筑师,现担任 B+H 建筑师事务所合伙人、盛裕集团中国区建筑 + 城市部门高级总监以及建筑 + 设计负责人。在建筑设计、城市规划、室内设计、业务拓展与项目管理领域,寿立冰先生积累了逾 24 年的丰富专业知识和深厚工作经验。自 2000 年初加入 B+H 建筑师事务所、及 2018 年 B+H 成为盛裕集团成员单位以来,他始终作为公司的核心成员,参与中国及海外众多公共建筑、城市综合体、酒店、产业研发中心和住宅等项目的设计与管理工作。寿立冰先生在全球范围内成功完成的众多项目成果斐然,其代表项目包括上海徐汇中凯城市之光、上海城市规划展示馆贵宾中心(室内设计)、上海建工新昌路一号地块超高层住宅(规划及建筑概念设计)、上海吴淞口海上世界综合体、上海华为青浦研发中心(总体规划及 E 组团建筑设计)、青岛海尔科创生态园、上海上汽大众技术管理中心、苏州阳澄湖悦榕庄度假酒店、路特斯汽车上海总部(室内设计)、柬埔寨西哈努克国王港度假酒店群以及巴布亚新几内亚库莫石油公司总部办公楼等项目。
Sam Shou is a Class A Registered Architect PRC, holding a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the School of Architecture & Urban Planning at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. Currently serving as a Principal at B+H Architects, Mr. Shou also holds the position of Senior Director for Buildings + Cities, and Architecture + Design Service Lead in China for the Surbana Jurong Group. In the fields of architectural design, urban planning, interior design, business development, and project management, Mr. Shou has accumulated rich professional knowledge and profound working experience for over 24 years. Since the beginning of his tenure with B+H Architects in the early 2000s and following the firm's integration into the Surbana Jurong Group in 2018, he has played a crucial role in promoting the company's growth and expansion within China. His expertise encompasses project design and management in various sectors such as mixed-use developments, hospitality, R&D campuses, and residential projects across China and overseas. Mr. Shou's remarkable portfolio of international projects includes Xuhui ZK City Lights, Shanghai Urban Planning Museum VIP Center (Interior Design), SCG Xinchang Road Super High-rise Residential (Master Planning & Architectural Concept), Shanghai WSK Sea World Complex, Huawei Qingpu R&D Campus (Master Planning & E Block Architectural), Haier Qingdao Innovation Ecosystem Park, SAIC Volkswagen Tech-Management Center, Yangcheng Lake Banyan Tree Resort, Lotus EV Shanghai Headquarters (Interior Design), the King’s Harbor Resort Complex in Cambodia, and the Kumul Tower in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
“上海 • 海上世界”项目,位于上海宝山吴淞口,紧邻亚洲最大邮轮母港吴淞口国际邮轮港。项目由绿地集团和招商局集团联袂开发,由约6.6万方滨水文旅MALL、约3.8万方一线江景甲级写字楼、约2.5万方亲子度假休闲服务公寓和一座康得思酒店组成。目前项目即将竣工,计划于今年内投入使用。该项目的开发承载了上海城市发展的历史轨迹,带动了吴淞口旧工业区与码头岸线的城市更新,激发出新一轮的创新浪潮,促进宝山的产业结构从“钢花”到“浪花”——即实现从钢铁制造业转变为以邮轮经济主导的城市服务业的转型。项目塑造的“陆地邮轮”的整体形象,与吴淞口国际邮轮港交相呼应,集合了据有海景主题的办公、购物、娱乐和度假等多种业态设施,为上海的北部城区提供了一个高品质的场景式生活休闲目的地,是一个立足于传统又面向未来、且富有创新特色的高端城市综合体,成为上海城市更新实践中一个成功的案例。
The Sea World Shanghai project is located in Wusongkou, Baoshan, Shanghai, adjacent to Asia's largest cruise home port – Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal. Greenland Group and China Merchants Group jointly develop the project. The project has approximately 66,000 square meters of a waterfront tourism MALL, approximately 38,000 square meters of Grade A office buildings with river views, approximately 25,000 square meters of vacation and leisure apartments for families, and a Cordis Hotel. The project is about to be completed and is planned to be put into use within this year. The development of this project symbolizes the evolution of Shanghai’s urban development, driving the urban renewal of the old industrial zone and dock shoreline in Wusongkou. It triggered a new wave of innovation and promoted the transformation of Baoshan's industrial structure from "steel flower" to "wave flower" - achieving the transformation from the steel manufacturing industry to the urban service industry dominated by the cruise economy. The overall design of the "land cruise" shaped by the project echoes through the intersection of the Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal, integrating functions such as office, shopping, entertainment, and vacation. The project provides a high-quality living and leisure destination for the northern area of Shanghai. It is also a high-end urban complex rooted in tradition, oriented towards the future, and full of innovative characteristics, standing as a successful example of Shanghai's urban renewal.